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What if I Get Braces and Have Missing Teeth?

You’ve heard about the benefits of getting braces, from the beauty of straight teeth to the convenience of not having to floss and just how much money you’ll save on dental bills. One thing you might not have considered, though, is what happens if you get braces and have missing teeth. That’s something you’ll want to consider before scheduling your consultation with an orthodontist, as it can make or break your decision to move forward with treatment.

If you have missing teeth, you may be able to wear Invisalign®

You may have some teeth missing from your top or bottom jaw. If so, you are a good candidate for Invisalign®. This treatment option is great for adults who want to fix their smile. Many adults avoid getting braces with missing teeth because they don’t want their friends and family to see them get orthodontic treatment. With Invisalign®, people won’t even know you are getting orthodontic care until your new smile appears! You can have a beautiful smile all on your own time schedule. When you come in for an appointment, we will talk about how best to correct any spaces between your teeth that are visible when your mouth is closed.

Should I get braces even though I have missing teeth?

You may have decided to go with traditional braces or Invisalign®. It doesn’t matter what type of braces you have—there are ways to protect your smile from gaps. Comfort dental braces are designed for people who already have teeth in place. The simple device helps to align any space between your existing teeth, which is especially useful for patients that need space closed up after getting impacted wisdom teeth removed. Similarly, traditional metal braces or Invisalign® can still be worn when you get adult orthodontics near me (or other types of oral appliances). The additional devices won’t obstruct movement, making them a viable option for anyone needing new brackets placed over missing teeth.

How will my missing teeth affect treatment?

As an adult orthodontist,number of patients who are missing teeth and are considering braces. But what happens when you get braces and have missing teeth? Will it affect treatment or will you be able to wear braces over your existing dental work? Learn about how our team at Comfort Dental Orthodontics in Atlanta provides treatment for patients with missing teeth before, during, or after treatment. Contact us to learn more! OrthoTips , AdultOrtho, TreatmentWithMissingTeet, ComfortDental (and include link to website).

Where can I find an orthodontist near me that can help me with braces and missing teeth?

If you live in a major city, you can usually find a specialist without much trouble. However, it is not uncommon for people to move from one place to another during their adulthood, making it difficult to find a reliable orthodontist. Luckily, there are many wonderful dentists who specialize in adult orthodontics that can help with your missing teeth and braces! Comfort Dental Braces offers exclusive treatment plans specifically designed for adults.

Adult braces are more comfortable than traditional braces thanks to low-profile brackets that fit inside your teeth, instead of over them. Comfort Dental also offers Invisalign aligners as an alternative option if conventional braces are uncomfortable or just too noticeable for your daily lifestyle.